
Windows Media Player PowerToy 教學

   主旨: 使用 Windows Media Player PowerToy 模組 加上背景音樂或影片   

  • 不用再使用克難語法貼上背景音樂,把丟掉囉..
  • 有緩衝功能,所以不需要再刻意轉成小檔
  • 不用每次換音樂時,還要修改網誌
  • 具有撥放控制列,可以讓使用著調整音量等
  • 可以設定是否自動播放

  Step by Step 教學: (也有影片教學 按此觀看^^)

  1. 先登入到編輯模式(編輯您的分享空間)裡,在網址列的網誌後方加上&powertoy=musicvideo,按下Enter重新讀取網頁

  2. 網頁重新讀取完畢之後,按〔自訂〕→〔模組〕→〔建立PowerToy: Windows Media Player〕→〔按儲存〕,新增模組完畢..^^

  3. 接下來就可以設定你的音樂網址、播放次數、播放控制列顯示模式、是否自動播放,最後不要忘記按下儲存囉....^^



    新增 Microsoft Windows Media Player 模組後,您可以在自己的分享空間播放音樂或影像。Windows Media Player 支援下列檔案類型:
    檔案格式 摘要說明
    .asf Windows Media 檔案
    .wma Windows Media 音訊檔
    .wmv Windows Media 視訊檔
    .wav 數位聲音檔
    .asx Audio Redirector 檔
    .avi 影音交錯 (Audio Visual Interleave) 檔
    .mpg、.mpeg、.mp3 Moving Picture Experts Group 檔
    .swf Macromedia Flash Player 檔
  4. 之後你/妳的MSN Spaces裡也有 Windows Media Player 模組囉...



PowerToys are here!!!

Windows Media Player PowerToy:

The Media Player Power Toy is designed to allow you to play audio and video files within your Space. While editing your Space specify the URL of a Media file located on the web in the Media Power Toy and hit Save. This will allow the people viewing your Space to watch or listen to the media file you have linked. You can customize the experience even more by altering the player settings (like auto start、times to play、and player mode) while editing your Space.


Please note that this PowerToy、like the others、is available in English ONLY for now and is UNSUPPORTED.  


This feature is to be used for authorized content only. Please respect the creative efforts and intellectual property of others、and do not link to unauthorized materials.  Linking to unauthorized material is a violation of the Spaces Code of Conduct and Terms of Use.


Follow these steps to add this Power Toy to your Space:

  1. Log into Passport and Edit your Space.
  2. In the Address bar of your web browser add the text 「&powertoy=musicvideo」 to the end of the displayed URL.
  3. Click the Go button next to your web browser


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